Monday, February 21, 2011

Ladies and Their Purses

On Saturday I went to visit my grandpa. My mom was also there with my two-year-old nephew Beck and my three-year-old niece Paityn. The kids were playing with some toys that grandpa keeps around for his great grandchildren. Paityn began putting some blocks and other small toys into her little purse, and grandpa said, "I always wondered what ladies keep in their purses."

I laughed, of course, at this cute comment, and then my grandpa continued to tell us that he really had wondered all his life what kinds of things ladies keep in their purses, and that several years ago when he was working as a photographer at the Deseret News he asked ladies who walked by downtown if he could take a picture of the inside of their purse. Many actually let him. I wonder if he still has those photos. Maybe I'll ask him next time I visit. If he still has them I will see if he'll let me post them here.


  1. Anmaree, I love your blog. What a great idea!

    Your Grandpa would be very disappointed if he saw the contents of my purse. He would probably find (roughly) 30 tubes of lip gloss, a tub of lip Vaseline in case I run out of lip gloss, (again, roughly) 50 tissues in case I accidentally apply too much lip gloss and need to remove it, a hairbrush, mobile phone, chewing gum and 7 pens (but no paper to write on!!!).

    It's cute that Paityn keeps little toys in her purse. Charlotte does that too. :)

  2. That would be really interesting to see what was in those purses! (plus all those really cool, now vintage, purses!)


J Malan Heslop

J Malan Heslop
Click the above photo to see his World War II photo collection.